Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao, NTR has received the erstwhile Rashtrapati Award for his performance in the films Raju Peda and Lava Kusa. He garnared the Nandi Award for best Actor for Kodalu Diddina Kapinuram in 1970, and the Inaugural Film Fare Award for the Best Actor - Telegu in 1972 for Badi Panthulu.
NTR made his debut s an Actor in Telugu Social Film Mana Desam, Directed by L. V Prasad in 1949 He gained popularity in 1950s when he become well known portrayals of Hindu Deities, Especially Krishna and Rama.
He later become known for portraying antagonistic character and Robin Hood-esque hero chacaters in films. In total, He starred in 300 films, and has become one of the most prominent figures in the History of Telugu Cinema. He was voted ''Greatest Indian Actor of All Time'' in a CNN-IBN national polls conducted in 2013 on the occasion of the Centenary of Indian Cinema.
He starred in such films as Patala Bhairavi, which premiered at the first Indian International Film Festival, held in Mumbai on January 1952, Mallishwari, premiered at Asia Pacific Film Festival, The enduring classic Mayabazar and Nartanasala, featured at Afro Asian film festival in Jakarta.
All the four Films were included in CNN-IBN's list of '' Hundred Greatest Indian Films of all times''.
He Co-produced Ummadi Kutumbam, nominated by films Federation of India as one of its entries to the 1968 Moscow Film Festival Besides Telugu, he has also acted in few Tamil films. Widely recognised for his portrayal of mythological characters , NTR was one of the leading method actor of Indian cinema, He was awarded Padma Shri by the Government of India in 1968, recognizing his contribution to Indian cinema. After his career in films, NTR entered politics. He founded the Telugu Desam Party in 1982 and served three tumultuous terms as Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh's distinct cultural identity, distinguishing it from the erstwhile Madras State with which it was often associated. At the national level, he was instrumental in the formation of the National Front, a coalition of non-congress parties which governed India from 1989 until 1990.